Monday, May 25, 2009

Wow! I can't believe it's been since Feb. since I last posted anything. SORRY!! We had some issues with our pictures and then I've just been plain too busy/lazy. I think the sleep deprevation is starting to catch up with me. I will try to keep up with the blog a little better.

Oren has grown so much since Feb. and is rolling around like a rollie pollie. Soon he will be crawling. He is a little over 18 lbs. now and 6 1/2 months old. He's a little re-cap of the last 3 months.

Look Ma, I found my toes!

And your mouth...

Aunt B's birthday party. Unfortunately we didn't get any with her with Oren. She was having way too much fun. :)

Cousin Garrett at Aunt B's birthday party with the youngster.

May was pretty rough because Oren caught Roseola which is a rash that is caused by a viral illness. Once the rash appears then the virus is overwith & on it's way out the body. There's no way of telling how he caught it since it's an airborn type of illness. It didn't hurt him or itch, but just mainly was rough to look at. My poor baby boy!!

Thankfully, he seemed not to mind too much because he still loved food time. You can kinda see the red dots on his tummy in these pics.

I love my sweet potatoes, even the ones that made it in my tummy.

Katy West-SIDE is in the house!!

Bayou Bend Gardens had a free family day and we went to see the nice gardens and mansion. This is a Historic site here in Houston and has been around since Houston was a town. It was a beautiful garden but I'm sure it's 10times better when all the flowers are in bloom. But it had crazy big magnolia trees and beautiful statues. Here are some photos. ((We were glad it was FREE))

They even had a bluegrass band playing up by the house. We weren't allowed to take pics inside the house but it was a beautiful mansion.


Uncle Leif's birthday bowling party

Oren with his daddy & froggie.

Oren with Kitty Kitty

Cool Dude Alert!!

Oren & I went to a party that Susan invited us to that was an 80's themed party. The 4 of us were the best dressed by far. Actually, we were pretty much the only ones that dressed up. ha! It was a fun day in the country & out in the beautiful weather.

This is Susan's beautiful daughter, Alyssa. She is one of my most favorite little girls in the whole world. At least until Susan has her twin girls in July and then I'll have 3 to love.


Oren's First Houston Livestock & Rodeo. We went & saw lots of bulls & broncs, muttin' bustin', and a concert. Once he's old enough we'll hopefully be entering him in the muttin' bustin' event because it was just too cute to see the little 5 year olds trying to ride sheep like they were bull riding. Yeah, we're from the South. Unfortunately this was the only picture of the three of us at the show. And unfortunately this was also the last time we saw Oren's little red hat too.

The entertainment was Brooks & Dunn. It was a terrific show and Oren loved the fireworks. I covered his ears the whole show except for the slow songs. We had a great time.

Uncle Joe's trip to Houston.
We went to Pappacito's for dinner.

Daddy and Oren (4 mos. old)

Another family photo