Well, I finally felt the baby kick!! :) WOW! What a truly beautiful feeling it is to feel life inside you like that. I felt him for the first time on July 1st and it lasted for around 30 mins. What's funny is that it went from nothing one day to strong kicks from then on. I never had the flutters or even little bubbles like some women say they feel before the kicks start. He just went straight into full on power kicks. Thank you Lord for this magnificent experience!
Mike felt Oren's kicks from the outside of the tummy on the morning of July 4th for the first time. I was about 21 weeks at that point. We had just woken up and just laying around talking about Oren and he just started going to town. I put Mike's hand on my tummy and BOOM! he kicked. His eyes got huge & full of joy. The best part was the next day when Mike started talking to the tummy and the baby responded immediately with kicking. I think he already knows his Daddy's voice. :)
By the time this picture was taken at 25 weeks, Oren has his usual kicking sessions on a daily & sometimes hourly schedule. He is one active baby! We already knew this from the ultrasound sessions but it's different when you're feeling it from the inside. He is active when I'm waking up, after breakfast, late afternoons, and all throughout the evening time. Thankfully he let's me sleep through the night so far without noticeable interruption.
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